With The Mandalorian helping to establish the Mandalorian people as one of the pillars of Star Wars alongside the Jedi, the ways in which these two groups are both similar and different are fascinating. The Jedi were first introduced in the original Star Wars movie and have included a wide variety of iconic characters. From the original trilogy heroes like Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Master Yoda to the prequel introductions of Anakin Skywalker, Mace Windu, and Qui-Gon Jinn, the Jedi and their history have been a staple of Star Wars.
The Mandalorians were similarly introduced in the original trilogy through the first official appearance of Boba Fett – discounting The Star Wars Holiday Special – in The Empire Strikes Back. Since then, the Jango Fett's role in Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones and countless others in the shows Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels have fleshed out the ways of the Mandalorians. This was only furthered by the cast and characters of The Mandalorian, with the illustrious histories of both groups being included in the Disney+ show and highlighting the significant similarities and differences between them.
Similarity: Mandalorians & Jedi Both Stress The Importance Of Young Members One similarity shown throughout Star Wars between the Mandalorians and Jedi is the importance of young members in each community. When concerning Mandalorians, The Mandalorian established the concept of Mandalorian foundlings in its premiere season. Within Mandalorian culture, or at least that of the Children of the Watch, foundlings are identified as any child that has been abandoned by its people and subsequently inducted into a Mandalorian covert. A foundling is bound to whichever Mandalorian found them, with that person being responsible for training it until it comes of age, either to rejoin its people or become a full Mandalorian.
Similarly, the Jedi Order has stressed the importance of Jedi younglings throughout Star Wars. Younglings are often shown as highly important to the Jedi Order in that they will become the next generation of Jedi. Akin to the Mandalorians, the Jedi of the prequels were often shown to take children from their homes – with the consent of their families – to live in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. There, they would be trained in the ways of the Force, raised to fight for peace and justice across the galaxy.
Difference: The Mandalorians Do Not Swear Off Attachment Like The Jedi On the other hand, one of the core differences between the Mandalorians and the Jedi is their respective views on attachment. The Jedi Order teaches its learners to abandon attachments, as they can be seen as a means of putting others above the will of the Force or what is best for the galaxy. While Jedi are still allowed to forge relationships, they are trained for years on end to learn to abandon these attachments, something the Mandalorians do not abide by.
Mandalorians are shown to covet attachments, with loyalty to and connections with other Mandalorians shown to be an important part of Mandalorian life. Nowhere in the Mandalorian Creed does it state that Mandalorians cannot have attachments. Given that Mandalorians do not put the needs of the galaxy above themselves like the Jedi, there is no need to swear off any attachments from their kind.
Similarity: Jedi & Mandalorians Have A Reliance On Weaponry Given the drastic differences in the beliefs of both Jedi and Mandalorians, it is interesting to note that they both have a reliance on weaponry. In terms of the Mandalorians, their Creed speaks for itself. Mandalorians are often judged on their ability to fight, with a range of different weapons in their arsenal. Mandalorian culture is steeped in war and combat, meaning all Mandalorians are raised with the capabilities to fight in countless ways.
While the Jedi do not focus anywhere near as much on weaponry, the lightsaber shares a similarity. As noted by Obi-Wan Kenobi to Anakin: "Try not to lose it. This weapon is your life." This shows how much stock the Jedi place in their lightsabers, as it is their primary defense against enemies. While all Jedi trust in the will of the Force, they rely on their lightsabers almost as much as Mandalorians do with their various weaponry.
Difference: The Jedi Fight For Justice & Peace Rather Than Their Own People When linking to how the Jedi and the Mandalorians use their aforementioned weaponry, another difference can be found. The Jedi are entirely selfless – or are at least supposed to be – in that they fight for the needs of the galaxy. Be it the High Republic, the Republic of the prequel era, the Rebellion, the New Republic, or the Resistance, the Jedi often find themselves fighting in wars to restore peace and balance to the galaxy.
The Mandalorians, on the other hand, act as any other Star Wars species does. They have their own planet, own clans, and own cities, and they generally fight for their own gain. While the Mandalorians have certainly been shown to fight in selfless ways, such as their opposition to the Empire, they tend to look more inward when becoming involved in conflicts, whereas the Jedi strive to fight for everyone in the galaxy.
Similarity: Jedi & Mandalorians Have A Similar Hierarchy In terms of hierarchy, the Jedi and Mandalorians have a similar format. With the Jedi, the ranks of the Jedi Order are Youngling, Padawan, Jedi Knight, Jedi Master, Council Member, Master of the Order, and Jedi Grand Master, from the lowest station to highest. The Mandalorians have a similar hierarchy; Mandalorians rank from a foundling, to apprentice, to Mandalorian, and possibly Mand'alor, with the Mandalorian Armorer acting as a spiritual leader.
The first two ranks of each are similar in that they are the youngest stages of learning. The Master of the Order for the Jedi is similar to Mand'alor, being the war-chief/political leader of either faction. Similarly, the Jedi Grand Master is the Council member who greatest adheres to the will of the Force and is most knowledgeable on its mysterious ways. This can position them as almost a spiritual leader, similar to the Armorer, who is the shaman of the Mandalorian who upholds the ways of the Creed.
Difference: Anyone Can Become A Mandalorian, But Not Anyone Can Be A Jedi Another major difference between the two Star Wars factions is that anyone, of any race, can become a Mandalorian, whereas only those with a connection to the Force can be a Jedi. Mandalorians are bound by a Creed, meaning anyone that adheres to their way can be inducted into the society. However, as the Jedi are acting on the will of the Force, only Force-sensitive beings are inducted into the Jedi Order, meaning the pool of candidates is much more limited.
Similarity: Mandalorians & Jedi Have Similar Battle Tactics An interesting similarity between the Mandalorians and the Jedi is their battle tactics. The Jedi employ multiple Force abilities in combat, from Force push and pull to jumping and use of speed. Given that the majority of Mandalorians are not Force-sensitive – and the bitter history between the Jedi and their people – Mandalorian weaponry enables them to have similar abilities.
For instance, Mandalorian jetpacks allow the warriors to emulate a Force jump and move great distances quickly. Similarly, Mandalorian gauntlets can shoot out kinetic energy to emulate a Force push, and also have a retractable rope that can simulate a Force pull when reaching for weapons. This makes sense, with their similarities in weaponry extending into their usage in combat.
Difference: Mandalorian Leadership Is Based On Combat, Not Democracy Whereas the Jedi Order elect their leadership – the Jedi Grand Master – based on democracy and a unanimous vote between Council members, any Mandalorian can become the leader of their people should they best the current one in combat. This was shown throughout Star Wars: The Clone Wars, with the winner of the challenge going on to lead Mandalore. This also links to the Darksaber, with the weapon often signifying the leader of Mandalore based on the outcome of a duel.