Within Star Wars' original trilogy, a series of major events happened between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Taking place after the Rebel Fleet was scattered by the Empire following the Battle of Hoth, Lucasfilm has been canonically filling in the blanks as to what happened in the year-long interim. After all, the Galactic Civil War didn't just stop in between episodes.
Following the Battle of Hoth, the Empire's hunt for Princess Leia and Han Solo, and Darth Vader's duel with his son Luke Skywalker, the Galactic Civil War continued for a year before the Rebellion staged their rescue mission to save Solo from Jabba the Hutt. Featuring an entire trilogy of stories and more, the majority of the events that occurred in this era come from Marvel Comics' canon ongoing series. Here's every major event that happened between Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.