- The animated series Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures has introduced popular High Republic-era Jedi characters Loden Greatstorm, Bell Zettifar, and Estala Maru.
- Scott Cavin, a key architect of the High Republic era, wrote the episode featuring Bell and Loden's debut, highlighting their mentorship roles.
- The TV debut of these characters could set a precedent for future appearances of High Republic Jedi in other Star Wars shows, such as The Acolyte.
Three of the High Republic era's most notable Jedi have finally made their Star Wars TV show debut in new episodes of Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. The animated series, set during the High Republic era, has been doing the work to bring young audiences into the exciting universe of Star Wars, especially this era that takes place hundreds of years before the events of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. It was previously announced that new episodes of Young Jedi Adventures would be bringing characters such as Loden Greatstorm and Bell Zettifar from the High Republic books and comics into animation, and now, their debut has at long last arrived – along with the debut of another notable Jedi.