Airing in 2018, the Star Wars Rebels series finale set up the future of the Ghost crew – one that will finally be revealed in the upcoming Ahsoka Disney+ TV show. Created by Dave Filoni, Simon Kinberg, and Carrie Beck, Star Wars Rebels was an award-winning animated TV show set shortly before the first Star Wars movie. This was a turbulent time in the galaxy, with rebel cells finally beginning to coordinate and the Empire clamping down on them forcefully.
Star Wars Rebels focused on a small rebel cell on the Outer Rim planet Lothal, and from the outset viewers expected it to end in tragedy. Its stars included Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus and his Padawan Ezra Bridger, who were of course entirely absent by the time of the original trilogy. This gave a powerful sense of tension to Star Wars Rebels season 4, and Kanan's death in episode 10 ("Jedi Night") felt crushingly inevitable. The Star Wars Rebels series finale saw the remaining rebels go up against Grand Admiral Thrawn, one of the Empire's most skilled tacticians, but Ezra managed to outsmart their ruthless enemy. A finale epilogue scene established the future of the Ghost crew, and is now best seen as setup for the upcoming live-action Ahsoka Disney+ TV show.