Abigail Thorn is joining the cast of The Acolyte, an upcoming Star Wars Disney+ TV show set to release in 2024. The future of Star Wars lies in the past; specifically in the High Republic Era, which ended a century before the Star Wars prequel trilogy. This period has already been explored a great deal in novels, comics, audiobooks, and even mangas, but next year it will come to the small screen in The Acolyte. Set toward the very end of the High Republic Era, this Disney+ TV show is expected to set the scene for the fall of the Jedi.
According to United Agents, trans actress Abigail Thorn has joined the cast of The Acolyte as a mysterious character named Ensign Eurus. A British YouTuber, actress, and playwright, Thorn is best known for producing the Philosophy Tube YouTube channel. She established this to provide free philosophy lessons back in 2013, when increases to university tuition fees led to a decline in applications for the subject. It's unclear how major a role Abigail Thorn will play in The Acolyte, but the name of her character may offer some important hints.