Spoilers ahead for Star Wars: The High Republic – The Blade #3 and Star Wars: Yoda #4While Yoda and the Jedi Order present themselves as the benevolent guardians of peace and justice across the Star Wars universe, they themselves are guilty of adhering to a callous policy that perpetrates injustice upon some of its members.
Despite Yoda's support for the Jedi recruitment policy, two recent issues of Marvel's Star Wars franchise prove that it's broken in a way that will necessarily result in disgruntled members who are easily susceptible to the dark side of the Force. One of the most controversial aspects of the Jedi Order has always been its recruitment policy, which the Star Wars franchise finally admits is truly flawed. The policy calls for the conscription of children as young as possible who are then, in essence, required to cut off all links with their former family, friends, and home. Yoda and the Jedi Order believed this was necessary to create optimal Jedi who act without emotion or passion but with harmony to the Force. Anything less, the Jedi believed, risked the initiate becoming drawn to the dark side of the Force, where emotion, passion, and feeling are its hallmarks.