Clones play an invaluable role in the Star Wars franchise, with numerous characters serving as clone templates in both the original continuity, Legends (formerly the Expanded Universe), and the current canon which began in 2014. Cloning was first mentioned, albeit indirectly, in A New Hope via references to the Clone Wars, but Legends-era material would give clones key roles in novels like Timothy Zahn’s Thrawn Trilogy and comics like Tom Veitch’s Dark Empire. The Star Wars prequels would eventually depict the Clone Wars onscreen, leading to even more instances of cloning in both canon and Legends.
Cloning is used for a variety of purposes in Star Wars canon and Legends, with militaries commissioning armies of clones and laboratories using them as experiments. The cloning process is even used as a potential means of cheating death. Not all artificial beings are clones, strictly speaking, as strand-casts like Snoke and the Clone Wars-era abominations based on Zeta Magnus are only partial recreations of their respective templates. As far as the templates themselves, here are all the Star Wars franchise’s characters who have been cloned in the canon and Legends continuities.